Numerous tools for calculating moisture conditions are available. Some of them are very simple and can be downloaded here. Others need a lot of knowledge and experience. They will briefly be described here. For more information and help, contact us.

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Calculation tools

A report on tools for moisture calculations is soon completed. Order it at The report contains these tools:

  • The vapour content at saturation, as a function of temperature. A simple equation that works well up to some +30C; also available as an Excel-file.
  • Steady-state moisture distribution
  • in one material with moisture dependent moisture transport coefficient. A method based on measured RH-distribution and moisture flow in a reference case. Another method based on a curve showing the moisture dependency of the moisture transport coefficientent.
  • in a material combination with two groups of materials. A simple equation.
  • Steady-state moisture and temperature distribution in a multi-layer structure, a so called Glaser calculation. An Excel file.
  • Exchange of moisture between two materials, with different sorption curves, thicknesses and initial RH. What is the RH at equilibrium after a long time, when correctly considering the moisture history? A method, for understanding, and an equation. The equation in an Excel file.
  • Non-steady-state moisture distributions, i.e. how does the moisture distribution change with time?
  • A qualitative method in four steps. Download a report.
  • A quantitative, manual method with 1-4 calculation cells. A calculation table.
  • Computer tools. An overview of software with their possibilities and limitations.
  • The software ”KFX”. 1D, 10 cells, sinus varying climate. Material properties with 3-4 parameters.
  • The software ”VaDau”. 2D, 20 x 20 cells, constant or sinus varying boundary conditions, vapour content and pore water pressure as moisture transport potentials. Internal heat sources. Material properties in seven steps.


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